I have no idea how I should start this post now. I know I have to write something but I simply don't know how to start. I don't even know what is the theme I should write about. I almost gave up.
But my fingers decide to give it a try. (Plus a few encouragements from new friends I met recently). To just let them have their own dances on the surface of this keyboard. So, here I am, typing aimlessly, still not knowing where this is heading. But I just know, I have to keep typing.
Isn't life like that too?
You, honestly don't know, after so much planning, where you will be going next.
I mean, as solid as your plans are .... as idiot and bulletproof they can be, if the world is going to end tomorrow. If your life is going to end tomorrow, then your "whatever" plans going to mean nothing at all. Right?
That doesn't mean one shouldn't plan. But one shouldn't spend majority of their breaths on future planning or even past scenarios. Because, every single breath you are inhaling and exhaling now is simply so precious. When you realize that, the universe will share with you its wonders. I have been one of such lucky soul to experience it.
As I take in as much present moments as I could, life has unfolded itself so wonderfully that by reminiscing about them I could really just tear. I met so many wonderful people from unexpected places recently. They came in all ages and sizes. The youngest sage I met recently is an 8-yo girl name Carrie who came into the room with her partially broken white board. I helped her to fix it and then I realized she wrote something so profound as you can see from the image.
For an 8yo, she knows how important personal space is. She bothered to write it down on a white board, hung it in front of the door and still said THANK YOU. How assertive and polite this little soul can be. Meanwhile some adults simply let others to trample all over their lives without letting others know that some knocking is needed to enter their space. Ironic, eh?
For those of you who are my Facebook friends, you would have known that I went to Beer Fest 2012 recently. My friends have gone back home first and I chose to stay ... I was all alone and surrounded by "strangers". I prefer to call them friends I have not yet known well. I was having the time of my life, really flowing with the moments and met these awesome grandpa and grandma who live their lives to the fullest. It was already 1AM and they were still drinking, dancing and entertaining my questions. I also met a bunch of ladies and one of them were kind enough to buy me
one drink. I hope I will have the chance to repay the kindness too.
Life is an amazing journey if you bother to see its small wonders subtly camouflaging themselves as ordinary things that you tend to take for granted. Since it's a journey, keep exploring, discovering and moving forward. Learn as much as you can from the past but please don't be stuck there. Your breaths are limited and there are still so many amazing things to be discovered. You may have your problems, who don't, deal with them at your own pace but once in a while, take a break, take a deep breath and reset your mind to focus on something else besides your problems. Cut yourself some slack and go to your happy zone even if it's only for few minutes. When you are able to do that, slowly, it will be a habit. Slowly, the problems will not look like problems anymore. Slowly ... you will say - "Ah ... every moment is how it's supposed to be!".
It's okay to not know what's next for you. It's okay not to know where you are heading to but don't stop living. Don't stop breathing. Don't stop doing. Don't stop asking questions. Don't stop! Sometimes, it's not that we don't know ... we just need to remember why we are here in the first place.