Has anybody used graphing calculator before? I think I did, in the 90s. I remembered when I just bought it, I felt on the top of the world, as if I had one of the coolest gadget ever. You know, like the mini-computer. So nostalgic.
Though it was supposed to be a high-tech graphing calculator for the high school students, I remember the only graphs I was busy plotting with the calculator was those I've already known. The cosine, sine and tangent. One of them look like "2 mini mountains"! Even that can make people laugh for the whole day. Silly -.-"
Guess how advanced the graphing calculator nowadays, not only they can plot some "mountains" but they were able to make them 3D! You'd be wrong if you think only the engineering and science students will be drooling over such devices, but even the business students are benefiting from such tool too.
If I ever touched one of those again, I think the only graph I can ever plot will be those I've been plotting 10 yrs ago. What a shame! But well, at least "the mountains" and "'the valleys" (that were formed by the graphs sometimes) are pretty entertaining too.
I collect old calculators for just this reason!
Nostalgia, or just the feeling of all the things it can work out, with me only having to enter the right numbers.
Evwer played games on them? From spelling out words when turned upside down, to arcade-style games. There are even fascinating games that can be played on the most basic of calcs if you add a a deck or cards and things like that - Just look for books with titles containing "Calculator" and "Games" on eBay. The books have been out of print for years, but are still fairly common and often go go for thier listing price of $1-2. You will be amazed at what you can play on any calc. For me the best of these books is "The Pocket Calculator Game Book" by Edwin Schlossberg and John Brockman, as it seems aimed more at Techies, Geeks and older children.
Sadly, many people remember calcs with disgust from math classes as they never found out all the fun they can do as well as just classes!
Rememebr a modern calc has more power than it took to get us to the moon!
Thanks for leaving comment :)
I didn't know there are even books written on the topics of graphing calculator. If I would have gotten hold of it when I was in high school, I think it must have been a fun time!! Haha... thanks for sharing!!! :)
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