Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pause & Reflect

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. - Mark Twain
What a profound quote by Mark Twain ... and honestly what a difficult task to do ... at least for me (I'm being very very honest. Sleeping is not counted as pausing and trying to sleep is also not easy for me), to pause and reflect. I know very very much that those 2 things are very essential to us as human beings I find it very challenging. I can't sit still and can't even stand still. I'm a monkey indeed.

But everything in life has its very first step, isn't it? I have to make a commitment to silent my mind, especially its super duper chatter-box partner ... ya, that voice which loves to yak yak and yak. Who is that, really? If that's not me ... that is ... erm .... spookyyy bah ...

Pause and reflect .... what do they really mean? Based on the online dictionary,

1. to make a pause; be temporarily inactive; stop; hesitate
2. to dwell or linger: with on or upon

1. to give back an image of; mirror or reproduce
2. to recollect or realize after thought
3. to think seriously; contemplate

Interesting. Actually both words have the same intention, to linger upon a thought and think seriously about it. Based on that definition, this process can be done even though one is physically active, isn't it? Then I apologize for interpreting the quote wrongly in the beginning.

The next question is, when will be the right time for someone to pause and reflect. Based on Mark Twain's quote - it's when you find yourself on the side of majority. What does that really mean? What are the characteristics of the majority? The 90% or the 80%.

To me, it's when you are in the state of:
- not knowing who you are
- not being who you are
- pleasing others most of the time
- doing without knowing
- doing for the sake of doing
- saying without understanding
- saying for the sake of making a conversation
- moving through life without having any meaning
- unhappiness
- restlessness
- and the list can go on to cover the wall in my room

The question is, is it wrong to be part of the majority, Mr. Twain? Honestly, I don't think so. But, it'll be wrong if we lose our own individuality in the process of blending in with the majority. That is like wasting your life and drowning with the rest of the headless chickens around. And hence, our wise Mr. Twain wanted us to remember to take a moment and ponder. Take one step back to move two steps forward.

Thank you so much, Mr. Twain for your great words. Since this month is your birthday month, I find it interesting how your words have been chosen to speak to me at this point of time. :-)

Image courtesy of www.wikipedia.org


Anonymous said...

I think you have missed the point. There is nothing wrong with being part of the majority.

The majority is the portion of people who amount to more than half of the group, for those who failed math.

Twain is suggesting that if you are part of a majority, perhaps you may want to stop, pause, and think about your position, reflect, regarding the wisdom of that position.

If you don't you may find that you have participated in an unthinking mob action that is wrong, possibly very wrong.

Thinking before action is rarely out of order.

D.D. said...

Hi Ms/Mr Anonymous from Phoenix, Arizona.

Thanks for your comment.
After reading it, I found we have the same opinions. I wonder why you said I have missed the point. But anyway, thanks again for your time to read and comment on my rambling.

Hope all of us don't forget to pause and reflect, which to me is still not a habitual thing.

Take care.

Unknown said...

Very simple, it symbolises the power of ONE.
Saw Lagaan? and how Aamir defies majority?

Anonymous said...

The quote clearly suggests that there is a problem when we side with the majority by default, rather than contemplating issues on our own.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone out there give me the precise source for this Twain quote? Thanks! Ch.S. curmudgeon@wightman.ca