Hi All
I'd like to share with you a site that I just found. It's suitable for anybody who'd like to publish anything, and guess what, you can even earn $$ from there. When I mentioned anything, it literally means anything like:
- Books
- Audio
- Seminar package
- Photo
- Video
- Presentation
- Spreadsheets
- Music
- Etc
It's called YouPublish. Well, at the moment I don't have anything to be published yet but it's one of my dream to have something published, even though it's just a piece of poem. But that doesn't mean I can't kick-start it by publishing something online, right. And YouPublish seems to make things easier for people who want to spread their work around the globe. You may choose to sell your publication or give it out for free. It's up to you. :-)
Well, hope you are having fun with it! :D I know I will though not so soon ... may procrastinate haha ... I have nothing to be published for now except all my self-portraits -.-" Euww .... I'm not so narcissistic ... yet :p
1 comment:
ah ga sangka ketemu sama anak NTU juga di blogging world :-)
Btw, pa kabar nih?
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