Hi back, blog. I have been missing for quite sometimes. What's new. The procrastination bug hits me again. The last post, not counted, as it was a homework given to me and I have to churn out something in a limited time period. So now, I am back.
I am compelled to write about voices, being a very auditory creature, I am easily influenced by anything that produce sounds. No wonder I used to score perfectly in my ABRSM aural test for level 5. It's one of the category of the test for people who learn piano and to be specific, they are testing your listening skill. The examiner will play something and you are supposed to carbon copy of what he/she is playing. This was the easiest for me (a little boastful, but true). But other than that, I simply passed cause I didn't find any excitement in learning them. To put it bluntly, I sucked at the rest! HAHA! (Note: That doesn't mean I am very good at listening. Sometimes, friends need to repeat 2-3x of what they have just said and they called m deaf too ... sigh)
Back to the present, I realized we are exposed to so many voices in a day. Phone calls, parents nags, friends' gossips, colleagues bickers, TV shows, radios, news, etc. You can't deny words that were spoken to you directly may just influence you without you knowing.
"Why can't you do things the right way?"
"Gosh, you are dumb!"
"You always spoil every single things you touch!"
"Are you sure?"
"You never think!"
"You are just not good enough."
"Geez. Don't you know?"
I believe some of them may sound familiar to you as they are too to me. As I live longer and get younger inside (:p), I realize, there's only one voice that matters - your own internal voice. That One Voice, ultimately will make you feel the way you feel, do the things you do and respond to the things you are perceiving. The whole world may tell you that you are wasting your time doing arts, but if that one voice says "NO. I LOVE THIS." guess who will win?
No matter how loud the external voices are, ultimately the voice that is inside you has the most power. What is yours saying right now? Do you like hearing it? If not, why are you letting it control your life? Wouldn't it be silly for a smart human being like us to say - "Erm, I don't know, my head voice tell me to do so." It sounds like we are the puppet and the master is the ... voice. I believe we can do better than that. I believe we can choose and select the things we want that voice to say. Though it seems like the voice may have his/her own automatic mode, ultimately, we are the controller of this gadget. May be we just need to be aware of what it's saying before we can "TSST" the voice (Cesar Milan's way) and by using our calm and assertive energy, claim back our own enriching voice.
We'd better be the one and only master of our own voice. Don't lose that right.
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