Saturday, March 1, 2008

1 Month .....

Can you believe it?
That's exactly the time I took to write a post in my blog?
Geez ... how pathetic that can be?
I'm so sorry, friends, for those of you who've been religiously checking into my site and got disappointed, I sincerely apologize. I've been under the weather when it comes to blogging.

Anyway, I actually have lots to pour out ... but I plan to change the way things are written from now ... thinking of writing poems ...


Yep, I have the same effect too when I thought about it but I will give it a try from now.
There are so many inspirations everywhere, actually, but sometimes thinking of rambling them down in paragraph makes me laze in my laurel.

Since today is 1st of March, I'll mark it as a new beginning where D.D. will try some new approach in writing. :p I hope you will enjoy it ... I'm trying not to be too Bjork-ish, (You know the whole out-of-this-world type of work) though sincerely I really love her works. She's so creative I just admire her courage to be different and original despite how others may find her simply weird. I'll see what I can do now ... and hope you - my beloved readers - will somehow benefit from my train of thoughts. Thanks for your support. :-)

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