Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Know?

I know "this"
I know "that"
I know enough
To speak and laugh

I feel a gap
In my knowing
This space
That I can hardly grasp

I thought I knew
But actually I don't know enough
About the subject
Which named

This poem or ... erm ... piece of rambling was struck upon me when I realized how much I think I know and how much I want to know about stuff. I read. I watch. I listen. I ask and I am constantly learning. And the realization comes upon when those I inquire are not really about me. If I were to ask myself the question - Who am I? - I seriously don't know how to answer the question. So ... have I grasp the realm of knowing? May be not. But suddenly at that moment, I remember what Joni Mitchell has summed up in her beautiful song - Both Sides Now, which said,"I really don't know _____ at all". What's filling the blank? In my case ... I really don't know me at all.

Do you know YOU?


Myrna said...

What would I do without you in my life. How exciting that the light brought us together..well what else was it?

Can't wait to feel your energy on March 3rd Oprah & Tolle webcast.

Ivan Chew said...

Hey Donna, nice piece. Yeah, we all ask ourselves the same question one time or other. BTW, re: line 4, would it help if "converse" was changed to "speak"? I thought the cadence would be better. :)

D.D. said...

Thank you so much Myrna for your nice comment and can't wait to "be" together with you in the webcast! :-) Can't wait!!

Thank you Ivan for your valuable input. I've already changed it. Really appreciate your feedback as I can learn more and more! :-) Yay!

Anonymous said...

lembu. relink me ok hhehehe