Tuesday, February 21, 2012

... Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do

For those of you who are familiar with Christianity, you will know where I have to borrow that phrase - Luke 23:24, to be exact. But don't you worry. I am not here to talk about religion. But after going through a day with unnecessary pebbles being thrown my way ... I reflected ... I nagged ... I bored my friend, again, with the usual story ... then I stopped and thought ... this has to end. It's not healthy for me. It's not healthy for my friends. It just ain't fair. I limit my nagging to maximum 1 message - sentence per time. Unless the friend is interested to know more, I will entertain, if not, I stop myself. No point wasting breath (inhaled and exhaled) in such activities.

But I was thinking, why does it bother me? And how can I move on? Because seriously, there will always be people, despite no matter how pure and sincere your intention is, they will see you as a threat. They will be more powerful than you. They will have a band of brothers ready to rip you apart once you make a small little mistake. In their dictionary - compromise, doesn't exist. Peace, doesn't exist. They have to be right, all the time. Why? Because they can't take any types of criticisms. Why? Because they think criticisms to their ego will be a sign of weakness. That's how insecure they are. They have to get things their way and most importantly, they have to be in control and you will witness, they are in control. They are even controlling people who think they are in control.

Then, 5 hours passed. Out of no where ... that phrase came to me. I swear it was out of nowhere. I was in an Indonesian cultural event held in my French school .... see how random the events can be and suddenly, this phrase decided to parachute itself into my mind. Then I realized ... "Ah ... indeed. It's a cure to such incidents!"

forgive them, for they know not what they do".

What a great reminder.
I thought to myself.
Those people really don't know what they do.
They may just be clueless, uninformed, uneducated, ignorant, oblivious, one sided, narrow minded, ____ go and fill in the blank.
Forgive them anyway. Don't waste your breath. You have better people to focus on.

Every moment is so precious that it should be filled with something that makes you happy. Ok, may be "being happy" is overrated, then fill it with something of your choice. If you choose to dwell in some unnecessary drama, then good for you. It's ultimately our own choice. I don't and I won't. I will limit myself to one phrase/sentence (unless I forget and unless someone has a special request), then I will move on. New chapter. New story. New adventure to be discovered.

The next time someone has you crucified through their words and ill intentions, remember to tell yourself ....
"...forgive them, for they know not what they do"

Don't let the ignorance of others lower your standard of being. You know you can be better than that.

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