Friday, February 10, 2012

An Unusually Usual Friday

10.25PM on a pretty quiet Friday night. I am sitting down accompanied by my ergonomic keyboard with the sound of wind gently banging on my balcony door. It feels like an unusual Friday night ... How can it not be? This is the first since 16th of September 2011, I finally have my Friday to myself doing absolutely nothing. Provided my calendar is not bluffing me. If it bluffed, then the previous "Me Time" Friday would have been on 24th of June 2011.


As I went through the list of my past happenings, damn I did lots of things every Friday! I ate, drank, watched play, watched movies, went to friends house, traveled, invited friend to my house, etc ... can't believe those have been the past. Some of them still felt so fresh as if they were few weeks old. Time really waits for no one and moments just pass you by without you realizing. What you held once as "an awesome time" now it's simply a part of your memory. Sometimes make me wonder,"So, that was it? A fragment of my memory?"

But that's life. It passes. It flows. It doesn't stop and wait for you.
Each and every breath that you are inhaling now, is unique, then it passed and ... gone. Next breath. Inhale. Exhale. Gone ....

On this unusually usual Friday, without any outside activities, without much interactions, I am actually consciously breathing and aware of my each and every breath. Surprisingly, it feels unusually awesome to feel and breathe life in its stillness.


Desertnut said...

I love the way you write! Beautifully told!

D.D. said...

Linda! Thanks for reading and leaving comment on my post. Really made my day.