Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Old Indonesian Textbooks

Ever wondered how the textbooks look like for some of the Indonesian students in the 80s? Think most of them are for Primary schools. Someone found some of these here I am sharing them. Geez, they are sooooo old!

Bahasa Indonesia = The official language of Indonesia

You will learn phrases such as:
- Ini bapak Budi. = This is Budi's father
- Ini ibu Budi. = This is Budi's mother

Matematika = Mathematics

Pendidikan Moral Pancasila = Erm ... The moral education of Pancasila (The Indonesian State Philosophy)

One of the thing I remember learning was in a multiple choice question:
If you found a wallet on the street you should:
a. Keep it to yourself
b. Return the wallet and keep the money
c. Bring it to the police station

Now, I do wonder which one will people really practice nowadays. :D

Ilmu Pengetahuan Social = The Social Education

I can't really remember what I've learnt here. OMG ... I do remember a bit of geography in it. Erm .... never mind ...

The next one, I knew it as Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam = The Education of Nature (Biology)

I don't really have comments on this. Guess we'll learn that chicken lays eggs and humans don't from here.

Zat dan Energi = Minerals and Energy

I don't remember studying this book. That's how old this book is!

So, do you remember how your text books look like and what have you learned from it?

PS. Thank you, Panci! :D

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