Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Online Shopping

A few weeks ago I read in the newspaper that online businesses are blooming in Singapore, especially in the area of fashion and accessories. Lots of people, especially women, are following their passion for fashion and monetize it. What a great idea. The low start-up cost for online business make it possible for everyone to jump into the bandwagon. Some even use free blogs as a platform, zero operating cost.

So since everybody is doing it, I wonder how do these people differentiate themselves apart from their products, styles and prices. One of the company I found is pretty creative. They are tapping into the celebrity path. What does it mean? Well, the products they carry are not necessarily dirt cheap but they do keep a close lookout to the current trends and hence they carry unique designers' items such as Alberto Makali, Beverly Feldman, Be&D, etc.

In this tough economy, one needs to find a unique niche and be more creative than ever. If not, one will just waste their money and time in things they thought will be a goldmine when they may be just better off doing something else with their life. But then again if you are passionate about something and doing it, then, life will be more worthwhile.

Happy shopping and selling, people. :-)


Mike said...

Very Nice post regarding online shopping. You can watch latset online products, There reviews, Previews and description as well as cost comparison. For further details visit http://www.plaza101.com

Anonymous said...

Interesting.! I love online shopping. It saves my time and money both.