Super Short Synopsis
I shall write the synopsis by introducing who are involved in the show:
Raimunda (Penelope Cruz):
A mother of Paula, daughter of Irene and wife of Paco who lives in Madrid. Her life is not as simple as it seems.
Raimunda's sister who lives alone and works as a hairstylist. She's the clown of this show ... Love her lots.
Aunt Paula:
Another hilarious character who's old and frail and slightly "delusional".
Aunt Paula's neighbor in the small village they lived in.
The story revolves around these few characters though Aunt Paula had less screen time than the rest.
D.D.'s A-HA Moments
The title - "Volver" means to return. I was thinking ... to return what? A piece of clothes? Haha. Wrong. It has much more profound meaning than that and it was sure described well by Raimunda when she was singing the song "Volver" in the show. (You just can't miss that!).
It is trying to portray, whatever you have done in the past will find its way to return back to you. Hence the title, Volver.
Really, interesting concept.
BTW, Penelope was very very gorgeous. Not to mention how many times she needed to show her cleavage -.- .... But not as comparable as The Curse of Golden Flower though haha.
"Volver" - The Song
Thanks to Broom, my dearest friend, for the translated version.
Yo adivino el parpadeo (I predict a flickering)
de las luces que a lo lejos van marcando mi retorno
(of the lights that went further, marking my return)
Son las mismas que alumbraron (They are the same light that illuminated)
con sus pálidos reflejos hondas horas de dolor (with their pale reflection in deep hours of pain)
Y aunque no quise el regreso, siempre se vuelve al primer amor
(And although I did not want the return, one always return to the first love)
La vieja calle donde me cobijo (The old street where I shelter)
tuya es su vida (yours is her life)
tuyo es su querer (yours is hers to want)
Bajo el burlón mirar de las estrellas (Under the mocking looking at the stars)
que con indiferencia hoy me ven volver (that see me return today with indifference )
Volver (To return)
con la frente marchita (with withered forehead)
las nieves del tiempo (the winds of time)
platearon mi sien (silverplated my forehead)
Sentir (To feel)
que es un soplo la vida (that life is a swift)
que veinte años no es nada (that 20 years is nothing)
que febril la mirada errante en las sombras te busca y te nombra (how feverish, that nomadic glance in the shades looks for you and calls for you)
Vivir (To live)
con la alma aferrada (with a soul that perseveres)
a un dulce recuerdo (to a sweet memory)
que lloro otra vez (that makes me cry once more)
Tengo miedo del encuentro (I am afraid to encounter)
con el pasado que vuelve (the past that returns)
a enfrentarse con mi vida (to clash with my life)
Tengo miedo de las noches (I am afraid of the nights)
que pobladas de recuerdos (that are populated by memories)
encadenen mi soñar (that chained my dreams)
Pero el viajero que huye (But the foreigner that passes by)
tarde o temprano (sooner or later)
detiene su andar (stop her walking)
Y aunque el olvido todo destruye, haya matado mi vieja ilusión,
(And although forgetfullness destroyes everything, my old illusion has been killed)
Guardo escondida una esperanza humilde (I keep a humble hope hidden)
que es toda la fortuna de mi corazón (that it is all the fortune of my heart)
Volver (To return)
con la frente marchita (with withered forehead)
las nieves del tiempo (the winds of time)
platearon mi sien (silverplated my forehead)
Sentir (To feel)
que es un soplo la vida (that life is a swift)
que veinte años no es nada (that 20 years is nothing)
que febril la mirada errante en las sombras te busca y te nombra (how feverish, that nomadic glance in the shades looks for you and calls for you)
Vivir (To live)
con la alma aferrada (with a soul that perseveres)
a un dulce recuerdo (to a sweet memory)
que lloro otra vez (that makes me cry once more)
D.D.'s Rating
1.2 for a better way in ending the show -.-
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